600+ Adjectives That Start With W (2024)

If you’re looking for a list of adjectives that start with W, you’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll find a comprehensive list of words to describe someone or something, ranging from the more commonly used terms to some more unusual options. Whether you need an adjective to describe a person’s physical appearance or their personality, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for on this list.

Wacky, wonderful, wicked, wily, wimpy, wiry, wise, witless, wobbly, womanly, wonderful, wooden.

When it comes to describing people or things, there are few letter of the alphabet that are as useful as “W.” This is thanks to the many great adjectives that start with “W.”

Whether you need a word to describe someone who is wicked or someone who is wacky, you’ll likely find what you’re looking for on this list of “W” adjectives.

weakLacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical
strength and energy, Liable to break or give way under pressure; easily damaged, Lacking intensity or brightness, Grammar Physics
weakenedMake or become weaker in power, resolve, or physical strength,
weakeningMake or become weaker in power, resolve, or physical strength,
weak-kneedWeak and shaky as a result of fear or excitement,
weaklyIn a way that lacks strength or force, Sickly; not robust,
weak-mindedLacking determination, emotional strength, or intellectual capacity,
weak-willedLacking the ability to resist influence or to restrain one’s own impulses;
wealthierHaving a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich,
wealthiestHaving a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich,
wealthyHaving a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich,
weanedAccustom (an infant or other young mammal) to food other than its mother’s
milk, A young child,
wearable(especially of clothing) easy to wear; suitable for wearing, usually wearables
weariedFeeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion
or lack of sleep, Cause to become tired,
wearierFeeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion
or lack of sleep, Cause to become tired,
weariestFeeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion
or lack of sleep, Cause to become tired,
wearingMentally or physically tiring,
wearisomeCausing one to feel tired or bored,
wearyFeeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion
or lack of sleep, Cause to become tired,
wearyingCausing tiredness; tiring,
weatherThe state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness,
sunshine, wind, rain, etc, Wear away or change the appearance or texture of (something) by long
exposure to the air, Come safely through (a storm)Make (boards or tiles) overlap downward to keep out rain, Falconry
weatheredWorn by long exposure to the atmosphere; weather-beaten,
weatherly(of a boat) able to sail close to the wind without drifting much to leeward,
weavingThe craft or action of forming fabric by interlacing threads,
webbed(of the feet of a swimming bird or other aquatic animal) having the toes
connected by a membrane, (of a band or strip of tough material) made from webbing or similar fabric,
webbyAn award given to a website for achievement in each of a number of
categories, e, g, web-based film, advertising, publishing, etc, Frequently
in “Webby award”, Also in plural
web-footed(of a swimming bird or other aquatic animal) having webbed feet,
web-toedHaving webs between the toes; web-footed,
wedliterary, archaic Combine (two factors or qualities, especially desirable ones)
weddedRelating to marriage,
wedgedA piece of wood, metal, or some other material having one thick end and
tapering to a thin edge, that is driven between two objects or parts of an
object to secure or separate them, with objectwith object and adverbialPrepare (pottery clay) for use by cutting, kneading, and throwing down to
hom*ogenize it and remove air pockets,
wedgyresembling a wedge in shape
weeLittle, Urine, Urinate,
weededA wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with
cultivated plants, British informal Remove unwanted plants from (an area of ground)
weedierContaining or covered with many weeds, British
weediestContaining or covered with many weeds, British
weedyContaining or covered with many weeds, British
weekdayA day of the week other than Saturday or Sunday,
weeklyDone, produced, or occurring once a week, Once a week, A newspaper or periodical issued every week,
weepierTearful; inclined to weep, A sentimental or emotional film, novel, or song,
weepiestTearful; inclined to weep, A sentimental or emotional film, novel, or song,
weepingShedding tears, Used in names of tree and shrub varieties with drooping branches, e, g,
weeping cherry,
weepyTearful; inclined to weep, A sentimental or emotional film, novel, or song,
weerLittle, Urine, Urinate,
weestLittle, Urine, Urinate,
weightedA body’s relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving
rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing, A piece of metal known to weigh a definite amount and used on scales to
determine how heavy an object or quantity of a substance is, The ability of someone or something to influence decisions or actions, The surface density of cloth, used as a measure of its quality, Hold (something) down by placing a heavy object on top of it, Attach importance or value to, Assign a handicap weight to (a horse), Treat (a fabric) with a substance to make it seem thicker and heavier,
weightierWeighing a great deal; heavy,
weightiestWeighing a great deal; heavy,
weightyWeighing a great deal; heavy,
weirdSuggesting something supernatural; uncanny, A person’s destiny, weird someone out
welcomeAn instance or manner of greeting someone, Used to greet someone in a glad or friendly way, Greet (someone arriving) in a glad, polite, or friendly way, (of a guest or new arrival) gladly received,
welcomedAn instance or manner of greeting someone, Used to greet someone in a glad or friendly way, Greet (someone arriving) in a glad, polite, or friendly way, (of a guest or new arrival) gladly received,
welcomingBehaving in a polite or friendly way to a guest or new arrival,
welfareThe health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group,
wellIn a good or satisfactory way, In a thorough manner, with modalIn good health; free or recovered from illness, Sensible; advisable, Used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, resignation,
or relief, A shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, oil, or gas, A plentiful source or supply, An enclosed space in the middle of a building, giving room for stairs or an
elevator, or to allow light or ventilation, US Physics (of a liquid) rise to the surface and spill or be about to spill,
well-advisedSensible; wise,
well-aimedAccurately directed at a target,
well-appointed(of a building or room) having a high standard of equipment or furnishing,
well-belovedDearly loved, greatly beloved, Chiefly in or with reference to royal letters, decrees, etc, , prefixed to
the name or designation of a lord
well-bredHaving or showing good breeding or manners,
well-chosenCarefully selected, especially for a particular effect,
well-earnedFully merited or deserved,
well-fedHaving good meals regularly,
well-formedCorrectly or attractively proportioned or shaped,
well-found(chiefly of a boat) well equipped and maintained,
well-gottenEspecially of wealth, treasure, or the like
well-hunginformal (of meat or game) hung until sufficiently dry, tender, or high before
well-kept(especially of property) kept clean, tidy, and in good condition,
well-knit(of a person) strongly and compactly built,
well-madeStrongly or skillfully constructed,
well-meantWell intentioned,
well-oiled(especially of an organization) operating smoothly, informal
well-paidEarning or providing good pay,
well-placedCleverly or judiciously positioned or deployed,
well-read(of a person) knowledgeable and informed as a result of extensive reading,
well-set(of a construction) firmly established; solidly fixed or arranged,
well-spent(of money or time) usefully or profitably expended,
well-spoken(of a person) speaking in an educated and refined manner,
well-to-doWealthy; prosperous,
well-turned(of a compliment, phrase, or verse) elegantly expressed, (especially of an ankle or leg) having an elegant and attractive shape,
well-wonGained by hard work or honourable effort; well-earned,
well-wornShowing the signs of extensive use or wear,
welshRelating to Wales, its people, or their language, The Celtic language of Wales, spoken by about 500,000 people (mainly
bilingual in English), Descended from the Brythonic language spoken in most
of Roman Britain, it has been strongly revived after a long decline, the Welshwelsh on
WesleyanRelating to or denoting the teachings of John Wesley or the main branch of
the Methodist Church which he founded, A follower of Wesley or adherent of the main Methodist tradition,
westThe direction toward the point of the horizon where the sun sets at the
equinoxes, on the left-hand side of a person facing north, or the part of
the horizon lying in this direction, The western part of the world or of a specified country, region, or town, attributiveOf or denoting the western part of a specified area, city, or country or
its inhabitants, To or toward the west,
westboundLeading or traveling toward the west,
westering(especially of the sun) nearing the west,
westerlyLying or moving in a westward position or direction, In or toward a westward position or direction, A wind blowing from the west, An industrial and resort town in southwestern Rhode Island, on the
Connecticut border; population 23,377 (est, 2008),
westernattributiveA film, television drama, or novel about cowboys in western North America,
set especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
westernmostSituated furthest to the west,
westmostMost westerly; westernmost,
WestphalianRelating to or characteristic of the former German province of Westphalia
or its inhabitants, A native or inhabitant of the former German province of Westphalia,
westwardToward the west, In a westerly direction, A direction or region toward the west,
wetCovered or saturated with water or another liquid, British informal Cover or touch with liquid; moisten, Liquid that makes something damp, British US
wetterCovered or saturated with water or another liquid, British informal Cover or touch with liquid; moisten, Liquid that makes something damp, British US
wettingThe action of making something wet,

There are a lot of great adjectives that start with the letter W. Some of these words describe physical characteristics, like “wrinkled” or “wan.” Others refer to personality traits, like “wicked” or “wheedling.” And still others are just fun to say, like “woolly” or “waggish.” No matter what you’re looking for, there’s sure to be a W adjective that’s perfect for the job.

Positive Words That Start With


600+ Adjectives That Start With W (2024)


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