ITNW13087P1 23/SU Stevens, Karen (2024)

ITNW13087P1 23/SU Stevens, Karen (1)

Outcome-based 23/SU Course Syllabus

Course Rubric-Number-Section:ITNW-1308-7P1
Contact Hours:
  • 6 hrs - CBLO
CIP Code:11.0901
Course Title:Implet & Support Client OS
Course Description:The fundamentals of managing and configuring network clients.
Course Meets:


Instructor: Karen Stevens and Sherri Ruble
Office Phone Number: NA
Email Address:
Office Fax Number: NA
Building & Office Room Number: Online Online
Office Hours:
Approved by:Emanuel PalaciosDate:2023-04-20
Course Outcomes
CO1: Install network clients
CO2: Configure network clients
CO3: Setup users, groups, policies, and profiles
CO4: Configure hardware components and applications
CO5: Setup and maintain a logon security
CO6: Setup and maintain security for files and printers
CO7: Configure and optimize clients in multiple environments
Added Outcomes
CO8: Determine client implementation process
CO9: Implement and manage local users, local groups and configure data protection using local policies
CO10: Implement and configure post-installation apps and data management within the client software
CO11: Implement and manage configuration of shared devices on a client system and network.
CO12: Apply terminology of the different ways to secure the client operating systems.
CO13: Implement and configure a security strategy for a Client Operating System.
CO14: Implement and configure a strategy to update the Operating System
CO15: Implement and configure a strategy to perform a backup and restore of the operating system

Emergency Assistance Available

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as food insecurity, housing, transportation, and childcare concerns, or you may be unable to pay your bills. These stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. TSTC offers emergency aid and services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. Please contact the .

Title IX

Texas State Technical College (TSTC) seeks to provide an environment that promotes equal opportunity free from discrimination and harassment.

If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or any other form of protected class discrimination, we encourage you to make a report. If you report to a faculty member, she or he must notify TSTC’s Title IX Coordinator about the incident. You may also make a confidential report to TSTC’s Counselors.

All students (including pregnant and parent students), regardless of their legal status are entitled to protections under TSTC’s policy.

For more information about Title IX or sexual misconduct, as well as your options, please visit TSTCs Title IX website

For information about equal opportunity and civil rights policies, visit TSTC's Website

Student Uniforms Requirement

Fully Online Students

Texas State Technical College requires all students to wear a program-specific uniform while attending functions on and off campus. This uniform is available for purchase at the campus bookstore. As a student in a fully online program you are required to purchase at least two program-specific uniforms in the event you attend any in person or off campus learning opportunities or events (i.e. Job Fairs, Resume & Interview workshops, and media interviews).

Hybrid & F2F Students

Texas State Technical College requires all students to wear a program-specific uniform while attending functions and labs on and off campus. This uniform is available for purchase at the campus bookstore. As a student in a hybrid program you are required to purchase at least two program-specific uniforms to wear to in person labs and other learning opportunities or events held on or off campus (i.e. Job Fairs, Resume & Interview workshops, and media interviews).

TSTC Grading Policy for Performance Based Education (PBE) General Education and Academic Courses*
GradePercentDescriptionGrade Points
A90-100Excellent/Superior Performance Level4
B80-89Above Required Performance Level3
C70-79Minimum Required Performance Level2
FBelow 70Failure to meet Performance Requirements0
NA- -Not Applicable (Mid-Term)

Note: Only applicable to PBE sections.

NE- -No Credit Earned - Accelerated Courses Only (End of Semester)

Note: Only applicable to PBE sections.

W- -Withdrawal0
*Note: The above grade codes only apply to Academic/ACGM PBE courses.
TSTC PBE Grading Policy for Performance Based Education (PBE) Technical Programs **
GradePercentDescriptionGrade Points
A90-100Excellent/Superior Performance Level4
B80-89Above Required Performance Level3
Fbelow 80Failure to meet Performance Requirements0
NA- -Not Applicable (Mid-Term)0
NE- -No Credit Earned

Applicable to Accelerated Courses Only (End of Semester)

W- -Withdrawal0
**Note: The above grade codes only apply to Technical/WECM PBE courses.
TSTC Grading Policy for Non-PBE Students
GradePercentDescriptionGrade Points
A90-100Excellent/Superior Performance Level4
B80-89Above Required Performance Level3
C70-79Minimum Required Performance Level2
D60-69Below Required Performance Level1
FBelow 60Failure to meet Performance Requirements0
W- -Withdrawal0
IP- -In Progress
Reference: TSTC Statewide Operating Standard ES 4.06 Grading System

See College Catalog for complete descriptions.

NOTE: Course prerequisite/corequisite

When a course is a prerequisite or corequisite and the student is a PBE student, the PBE grading scheme is applicable. If the prerequisite was completed prior to the PBE start term for the student, the traditional grade may be acceptable. The student should review prior grades with the Enrollment Coach.

Performance Based Education (PBE) Program Competencies and Traditional Program Instruction (Non-PBE) Curriculum Revisions

Each Program of Study, at least once a year, reviews its degree plans, courses, lesson plans, course objectives, course outcomes and/or competencies. They do this to ensure that each degree plan contains the most current curriculum and that it meets industry standards and requirements.

Students who successfully complete courses by meeting the minimum standards set for the course will complete the course outcomes and/or PBE competencies and assessments set at the time of enrollment. Course outcomes, competencies, and assessments can be updated at any time, especially from one academic year to another. If a student needs to repeat a course they may need to complete different lesson plans, course objectives, assessments and/or course competencies.

Example: A student drops or fails a course in the Spring semester. When the student registers to retake a course, some or all of the course lesson plans and/or competencies and assessments may be different. Therefore, the student will need to successfully complete the newest assessment requirements for the course.

Campus Standard Policies

The Student Handbook contains valuable information on campus policies and procedures.

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Student Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
  • Plagiarism
  • Student Grievances and Complaints

Access and Learning Accommodations

(formerly Disability Services)

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Texas State Technical College is committed to ensuring educational access to its students and promotes full participation in it’s programs, services, and course requirements.

Qualified students with disabilities are encouraged to access these services by contacting the Access and Learning Accommodations office to discuss their needs for accommodations.

Students reserve the right to request services at any time during the semester, however, instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from the Access and Learning Accommodations office has been provided.

For information, please contact the Access and Learning Accommodations office in a timely manner.

Statewide contact information:
Phone #: 254.867.3842

Tutoring Statement

The Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring Program at TSTC offers free tutoring and academic support services to help you achieve your academic and career goals. You can access the Tutoring Schedule, as well as MyTSTC Video Tutor Library, by visiting: (shortened link:

For more information, please contact Norma A. Salazar@ 956-364-4557.

Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center provides online and in person library resources and services. Go to to find help with your assignments, projects, and papers. Clicking the Student tab will allow you to find resources, homework help, tutorials, and real time chat to answer your questions.

Expectations and Communication

Communication between the student and the instructor is vital for successfully completing the course.

The student will:

  • Be responsible for all content whether in writing, on line or recorded.
  • Turn in assignments, projects and research within the suggested guidelines.
  • Take assessments, quizzes, exams, and practic*ms (hands-on exams) within the suggested guidelines and using only the authorized tools and helps.
  • Request assistance from the instructor during office hours or other live interactions, by email, or by any other method the instructor accepts.
    • If the student requires an answer, the student must state the problem or question with enough detail and documentation so the instructor can provide an appropriate answer.

The instructor will:

  • Provide adequate written and recorded content for the student to successfully complete the course work.
  • Grade assignments within prescribed guidelines
  • Respond to email and requests for assistance within one business day of the request.
    • If the request is made outside business hours, on a weekend, or during a holiday, it will be addressed the following business day.
  • Post availability times in the course web site and announce unavailable times in the course announcements as applicable.

Instructor Virtual Community

In Canvas you will find a link to our virtual community. Some FAQ:

  • What's this for?
    • You can connect to the virtual community to have real-time conversations our faculty
    • You can ask questions about course materials, processes, assignments, etc.
    • You can troubleshoot all kinds of problems with the help of faculty
  • How do I connect?
    • Login to GMail from the student portal.
      • If you connect using some random other address, the connection may be rejected.
    • In the same browser, login to Canvas from the student portal.
    • Follow the link from Canvas.
  • Do I have to?
    • Using the virtual community is 100% for your benefit but it is usually not a course requirement.
    • Students who participate in the virtual community always perform better in class.

Distance Learning Policy

Distance learning (also called online learning) presents a unique combination of opportunities and challenges. Synchronous class meetings are accomplished using video conferencing technologies that require access to computer, tablet, or smart phone with audio/video capabilities. It is the responsibility of the student to participate in live meetings as often as possible. When participation is not possible, the instructor may record meetings for later viewing. When you join a class meeting, you give the instructor your permission to record by your presence and by acknowledging this policy. When individual meetings are needed, please use the instructor's virtual office hours as much as possible. If that is not possible, schedule a meeting with the instructor using messaging or email.

No Show Policy

You must be actively participating in class and caught up on all assignments to be in good standing with me. I will place you on the No Showlist if you are not participating the first day of class or fail to perform any tasks I have assigned for the first week. One task required in Canvas during the first week is a tool named NS Check In. Click it and follow that tool's instructions during the first week to avoid being placed on the No Show list. When you are in good standing I will take you off the No Show list. Being on the No Showlist can negatively impact your financial aid.

Academic Honesty

Texas State Technical College and Computer Networking & Systems Administration expect students to maintain high standards of personal and academic honesty and integrity. In a college environment of this nature, your integrity is especially critical, because the opportunities for dishonesty are more readily available and the trust level is higher. Exploiting either of these opportunities is a particularly blatant and offensive act.

By enrolling and remaining as a participant in this course, you affirm that you will adhere to the strictest standards of academic honesty and integrity. You must maintain academic integrity and honesty at all times, on all course assessments: homework, labs, projects, exams, etc.

You must work independently when required, and work effectively in groups when required. You must use only the resources and assistance permitted on a given course activity. You must pay special attention to whether assessments are designated as ‘individual’ or ‘group’ assessments, as well as what materials, resources, and help from others are permitted.

When you are permitted to use materials and ideas that belong to others, you must state the source of the information in the manner required. If you use outside help or materials when not allowed, you are in violation of this policy in the way of cheating. If you are allowed to use outside materials, but do not cite the sources of your information, you are in violation of this policy in the way of plagiarism.

If you assist other students in violating this policy, you are considered equally in violation.

The use of language models such as ChatGPT for Mastery Assessments is strictly prohibited. Any submission that is found to be generated by a language model will be considered a violation of academic integrity and will result in academic and disciplinary sanctions as warranted in accordance with the student handbook. Students are expected to submit original work that is solely their own.

If you are in violation of the academic honesty policy, you and anyone else involved must meet with the dean of students who will decide on the appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with TSTC policy.

Personal Behavior

Professionalism is highly recommended in the class. Students are expected to participate in class discussions, group projects and encouraged to ask questions, but in doing so be respectful and courteous of others. Cell phone use is prohibited during class or virtual class. Place phones on silent or turn them off completely.

Be prepared for class. Have all necessary materials gathered before class begins. Read and perform exercises that are assigned prior to class.

TSTC Computer Use

Any misuse or abuse of computer equipment, programs, or data, including; unauthorized use of computer resources or use of computer resources for unauthorized purposes, accessing or copying programs, records or data belonging to the college or another without permission, attempting to breach, or breaching the security of another user’s account or deprive another user of access to the college’s computer resources, using the college’s computer resources for personal or financial gain, transporting copies of college programs, records or data to another person or computer site without written authorization, or use of college computers to access lewd, offensive, or p*rnographic material, will be a violation of college standards and will be subject to TSTC Disciplinary Action.

Email/Social Media

TSTC eMail is the primary tool used to individually contact students. Your email address is visible through WebAdvisor and the Learning Management System (Canvas) and your email address is your TSTC login followed by Your password is your TSTC password. It is important to read your TSTC email often as you may receive important announcements from within your department and/or from campus resources. eMail should be professionally typed, not the same as text messaging and always include a subject and your name.

Along with using email to communicate, TSTC has Facebook and LinkedIn presences. Both are used for general announcements, program highlights, employer spotlights and alumni vignettes. There are also multiple groups related to TSTC in both environments that you may wish to follow.

Cooperative Education

Co-op is the process of substituting on-the-job training for college credits. Students may earn a maximum of nine Co-op hours, however the job must be equivalent to the course being substituted. If a student fails a course then Co-op will not be permitted for that course but taken in class instead.

Computer Requirements

All courses in the 100% online and hybrid programs require a computer and stable high-speed internet connection. All courses require audio speakers or headphones, microphone, and webcam. Some courses can be completed with minimum specifications such as an internet browser. Others require greater hardware specifications that support installing multiple operating systems and other software. The highest level of required specifications is listed below.

  • CPU - 64bit AMD or Intel (Quad Core or better)
    • Intel VT/AMD-V (CPU enabled Virtualization) **Does not support ARM**
  • RAM - 16GB or better
  • Hard Disk - 500GB (7200 RPM or SSD recommended)
    • Minimumof 100GB available disk storage
  • Video Card - 1GB video card (AMD, Intel, or NVidia)

For additional details contact the course instructor.

Performance Based Education Policy

In Performance Based Education (PBE) courses, you are required to show mastery of course competencies through assessments. At TSTC, mastery assessments in technical courses have the mastery level set at 80% or better. You will need to complete ALL Mastery Assessments with at or above the required mastery level in order to complete the course. The benefit of PBE is that in the event you do not finish the course, Mastery Assessment scores will carry over to the next semester and you can pick up where you left off in the course.

For Computer Networking & Systems Administration, you may attempt each Mastery Assessment 3 times.

Before Your First Mastery Assessment Attempt

Before attempting a Mastery Assessment, you should complete any formative assessments (typically labeled “Practice and Apply” or “Activity” or “Lab”) included in the module. These formative assessments are designed to help gauge your understanding of the content and help you prepare for the Mastery Assessment.

You MUST also complete any Check for Understanding activities in the Module. The Check for Understandings are automatically graded and designed to make sure you are ready BEFORE you move on to the mastery assessment. For Computer Networking & Systems Administration, you must score at least 80% before you will be able to move on to the Mastery Assessment. You may attempt each Check for Understanding multiple times, but it is strongly suggested that if you are not successful on the Check for Understanding, you return to the module and review all content before attempting it again.

After Your First Mastery Assessment Attempt

Instructors will grade your Mastery Assessment within 2 business days. While waiting for feedback on the assessment, continue working on your other course(s).

In the event that you do not meet the predetermined score to indicate mastery of the content, you will be given another assessment opportunity.

If your first attempt score is between 60 and 79% on a technical course Mastery Assessment, you can self-direct your module review or meet with an instructor to close the gaps in your knowledge, skills or abilities.

If you scored below 60% on a technical course Mastery Assessment, you will need to return to the corresponding module(s) and view all instructional materials and attempt or reattempt all formative assessments.

After Your Second Mastery Assessment Attempt

If you fail to demonstrate mastery on the second or any subsequent Mastery Assessment attempt, you MUST schedule a time to meet with your instructor to review the first two attempts. The instructor may assign mandatory tasks for you to complete before the next attempt.

Mastery Assessments in the Gradebook

The highest score from all attempts will be recorded for each Mastery Assessment.

If you desire an additional attempt to raise your score, you must complete all Mastery Assessments in the course first and then contact your instructor for directions. Note: You cannot request an attempt to raise a score after the semester has ended. It is your responsibility to plan your coursework so that adequate time remains at the end of the semester to administer any additional assessment(s).

Deadline for Submitting Final Mastery Assessment Attempt

The deadline for a Mastery Assessments to receive feedback with an additional attempt is Friday at 5:00 pm CST the week before the semester ends. This will allow your instructor 2 business days to grade and provide feedback before the final Mastery Assessment due date. Your final Mastery Assessment attempt for the semester is due Wednesday at 5:00 pm CST the last week of the semester. This will allow your instructor the 2 business days to grade your assessment. Assessments that can be computer graded will close at 5:00 pm CST on the last Friday of the semester.

Mastery Assessment Grade Carry Over

If you do not master an assessment before the end of the semester, you will pick up with that assessment the next semester. Any attempts on that assessment from the previous semester will reset and start over with the first attempt in the new semester. (Note: Failure to complete all Mastery Assessments in a course with the required score will result in an ‘F’ in the course. You will need to register and pay for the course again to continue.)

Mastery Assessment scores are good for one calendar year. In other words, you have three semesters after the initial semester ends to complete the course. For example, if a student masters assessments for modules 1 and 2 in a course but not the third module in Fall 2022 semester, they will need to finish the course the next Spring 2023, Summer 2023 or Fall 2023 semester to carry over the scores for Mastery Assessments 1 and 2. The student will need to repeat the entire course if they wait until the Spring 2024 semester.

Textbooks & Publications:
1Guide to Operating SystemsGreg TomshoCengage6th978-0-357-43383-6
Tools, Materials:
1Desktop computer -OR- laptop computer that has adequate capacity and speed to access content and exams located at Must also be able to run the most up to date version of Packet Tracer. Must have PDF document editing software (Foxit Reader, etc.) NOTE: To successfully install and run the most up to date version of Packet Tracer, the device you use must be running either Microsoft Windows 8.1, Microsoft Windows 10 (32 or 64 bit), Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (64 bit), or Mac OS. 1
2Virtualbox Software - Download1
3Packet Tracer Software - Download1

Co-Instructors for this course

There are two instructors of record for this course: Sherri Ruble and Karen Stevens. Mrs. Stevens will be out for up to twelve weeks this semester for personal reasons, so be sure to contact Mrs. Ruble atsherri.ruble@tstc.eduto grade assignments and for any questions about the course.

Contacting the Instructor:

Your instructor is available via email at (Karen Stevens will be unavailable for most of the semester).

Your instructor will answer your email within 24 hours on regular business days andby the next business dayon weekends and holidays (usually sooner), so consider that response lag when working on your labs.

All CNS instructors have 20 hours per week of virtual community hours (office duty) via Google Meet during the following times:

Link to Virtual Community Hours schedule

If you wish to set an appointment to speak to your instructor via Google Meet video conference outside scheduled virtual community hours, email your instructor for an appointment.

Steps to Request Assistance from Instructor:

In the event you run into errors or require assistance from the instructor. You must follow the below steps in order to receive a response:

1.) Document your issue in detail, include screen shots of error(s) or issue(s), etc. The Windows operating system has an app called "Snipping Tool" that will allow you to take screen shots of errors.

2.) Include your name and course number in the email.

3.) Important: Read through your email - the more details you provide me, the more responsive I can be! Don’t just say, “It doesn’t work.” Tell me exactly what isn't working, and what page / step you are on in the lab, and any error messages you are receiving.

4.) Send your detailed issue via email to

  • Phone calls for troubleshooting assistance will not be accepted. The instructor is off campus and does not have access to her work phone.

    Non-descriptive emails that do not provide detailed descriptions or detailed emails missing screenshots will not receive response for assistance. It is very important to learn to document properly!

  • Procrastinating until the due date of assignments does not constitute a crisis on the instructors' part. Your instructor will do her best to respond to all emails promptly, but if you have waited until the due date of an assignment to request assistance, you are not guaranteed a response in time for your submission. There will be no extensions of the new due dates, so plan allowances for issues to arise and give yourself time to request assistance if you should need it.

Campus Academic Integrity Policy

TSTC expects all students to engage in scholastic pursuits in a manner that is beyond reproach. Students are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on academic work, plagiarism, collusion and falsifying academic records.

  • Cheating on academic work includes, but is not limited to:
  • copying from another student’s test paper or other academic work;
  • using materials during a test that have not been authorized by the individual giving the test;
  • collaborating with another student, without authorization, during an examination or in preparing academic work;
  • bribing another person to obtain an un-administered test;
  • knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of an unadministered test; and substituting for another student, or permitting another student to substitute for oneself, to take a test or prepare other academic work.
  • Paying, offering money or other valuables to, or coercing another person to obtain an un-administered test, test key, homework solution or computer program, or Information about an un-administered test, test key, homework solution or computer program.
  • Falsifying laboratory reports and/or other academic work offered for credit.
  • Taking, keeping, misplacing or damaging property of the college, or of another, if the student knows or reasonably should know that an unfair academic advantage would be gained by such conduct.
  • Failing to comply with instructions given by a person administering a test.
  • Discussing the contents of an examination with another student who will take the examination.
  • Divulging the contents of an examination for the purpose of preserving questions for use by another when the instructor has designated that the examination is not to be removed from the examination room or not to be returned to the student.
  • Misrepresenting facts, including providing false grades or resumes for the purpose of obtaining academic or financial benefit or injuring another student academically or financially.
  • Plagiarism means claiming another’s work as one’s own without acknowledging its origin and doing so for credit.
  • Collusion means unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing a written work offered for credit, or collaboration with another person to commit a violation of any scholastic-dishonesty rule.
  • Falsifying academic records includes, but is not limited to, the alteration of grades or other falsification of an academic record such as grade report, test paper, registration material or reporting form used by the college.

Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student’s submitted work, examinations, reports, and projects must be that of the student’s own work.

Students shall be guilty of violating the honor code if they:

  1. Represent the work of others as their own.
  2. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work.
  3. Give unauthorized assistance to other students. (that includes those who allow other students to borrow your equipment (i.e. Laptop). Example: If you allow someone to borrow your laptop and they copy your work that you already have saved on it and submit it as their own, you are still an accomplice to their misrepresentation whether you intended that to happen or not. So be careful and don’t allow that to happen.
  4. Modify, without instructor approval, an examination, paper, record or report for the purpose of obtaining additional credit.
  5. Misrepresent the content of submitted work.
  6. Directly or indirectly copying material researched online and submitting such data as one’s own.

Please understand that this is NOT an exhaustive list. All work turned in must be your own. Any work turned in represented as yours that is not will be considered to be a failure to maintain Academic Integrity and the student(s) involved are subject to disciplinary action.

Students will be held to the official TSTC standards, and are encouraged to review sections of the TSTC College Catalog & Student Handbook pertaining to: student participation, student conduct, scholastic integrity, student behavior policies, scholastic honesty, appearance and decorum, and class participation. The TSTC College Catalog & Student Handbook can be found online at

Enrollment Coach Information

TSTC is here to help you succeed and to aid you through your journey with us. We have assigned you an Enrollment Coach who will assist you with scheduling your classes, guide you towards completing your classes on time, and let you know about all the services TSTC has to offer. In order to help you stay on track to your great-paying job, we ask that you meet with your enrollment coach weekly, whether in person, on the computer, or through a phone call. These meetings won’t take long and we want to make sure you know how you are doing and how to get where you are going!To schedule a meeting with your enrollment coach you can click on this link: Our job is to make you successful!

Course Schedule
Unit Description/ObjectivesAssessment Label:Description Due Date
1Module 1 - Installation of Operating System
  • LO 1.1.1 Identify the different client operating systems and ways to deploy.
  • LO 1.1.2 Identify upgrade and downgrade paths to manage client operating systems.
  • LO 1.2.1 Implement a strategy to install a Client Operating System using Virtual Software
  • LO 1.2.2 Configure Virtual Software to perform a Clean Installation of the Operating System
Module 1 L1 Quiz: Check for Understanding Operating Systems
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 1: Check for Understanding Installing Virtual Box
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 2: heck for Understanding Installing Windows 10 Using System Center
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 3: Check for Understanding Exploring Fedora 30 Linux
Module 1 L2 Discussion Question 1: Installing an Operating System
Module 1 L2 Discussion Question 2: Linux Installation
Module 1 L3 Virtual Lab 1: Check for Understanding Installing and Configuring Windows Applications
Module 1 L3 Virtual Lab 2: Check for Understanding Exploring Windows and Managing Devices
Module 1 Mastery Assessment Lab: Installation of Fedora 30 on a Virtual Machine.
Module 1 Mastery Assessment Exam: Mastery Assessment Exam Over Module 1 Material
2Module 2 - User/Group and Policy Configuration
  • 2.1.1 Implement conditional access and compliance policies for devices.
  • 2.1.2 Configure devices by using local profiles and policies.
Module 2 L1 Virtual Lab 1: Check for Understanding Creating Users and Groups
Module 2 L1 Virtual Lab 2: Check for Understanding Managing Users and Groups Virtual Lab
Module 2 L2 Discussion: Password Policies Discussion
Module 2 L2 Virtual Lab : Check for Understanding Setting Password Policies
Module 2 Mastery Assessment Exam: Mastery Assessment Exam Over Module 2 Material
3Module 3 - File System and Storage Configuration
  • 3.1.1 Define file systems and storage.
  • 3.1.2 Deploy file systems and storage.
Module 3 L1 Virtual Lab 1: Check for Understanding Create and Modify Volumes
Module 3 L1 Virtual Lab 2: Check for Understanding Creating a Virtual Hard Drive using Virtual Software
Module 3 Mastery Assessment Lab: Mastery Assessment Lab over File Systems
4Module 4 - Operating System Security Strategies
  • 4.1.1 Define the purposes and uses for client security features.
  • 4.2.1 Define and configure device health and security solution for the Client Operating System
Module 4 L1 Virtual Lab: Check for Understanding Using Credential Manager
Module 4.1 Mastery Assessment Exam: Mastery Assessment Exam
Module 4.2 Mastery Assessment Lab: Mastery Assessment Lab - Configuring a Firewall
5Module 5 - Network Configuration
  • 5.1.1 Define network connectivity on client operating systems.
  • 5.1.2 Configure network connectivity on client operating systems.
Module 5 L1 Virtual Lab 1: Check for Understanding Setting up a Static/Dynamic IP Address
Module 5 L1 Virtual Lab 2: Check for Understanding Understanding the different tools used to Find IP addresses and Networking Settings
Module 5 L1 Mastery Assessment Exam: Mastery Assessment Exam over material covered in Module 5
Module 5 L1 Mastery Assessment Lab: Mastery Assessment Lab over IP Addressing
6Module 6 - Operating System Update & Backup Strategies
  • LO 6.1.1 Configure updates on a client Operating System.
  • LO 6.2.1 Implement a strategy to perform a Complete backup of the client Operating System
  • LO 6.2.2 Configure the client Operating System to Restore from a complete backup
Module 6 L2 Virtual Lab 1: Check for Understanding Perform a Complete Backup of the Windows Systems
Module 6 L2 Virtual Lab 2: Check for Understanding Create a restore point
Module 6.1 Mastery Assessment Lab: Mastery Assessment Lab over Configuring and Deploying Windows Updates
Module 6.2 Mastery Assessment Lab: Mastery Assessment Lab over Perform a refresh or restore of the PC
Grade Scheme
Category DescriptionCategory Value
Module Virtual Labs0%
Assessment Label:Assessment DescriptionAssessment Value
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 1:Check for Understanding Installing Virtual Box0.00%
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 2:heck for Understanding Installing Windows 10 Using System Center0.00%
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 3:Check for Understanding Exploring Fedora 30 Linux0.00%
Module 1 L3 Virtual Lab 1:Check for Understanding Installing and Configuring Windows Applications0.00%
Module 1 L3 Virtual Lab 2:Check for Understanding Exploring Windows and Managing Devices0.00%
Module 2 L1 Virtual Lab 1:Check for Understanding Creating Users and Groups0.00%
Module 2 L1 Virtual Lab 2:Check for Understanding Managing Users and Groups Virtual Lab0.00%
Module 2 L2 Virtual Lab :Check for Understanding Setting Password Policies0.00%
Module 3 L1 Virtual Lab 1:Check for Understanding Create and Modify Volumes0.00%
Module 3 L1 Virtual Lab 2:Check for Understanding Creating a Virtual Hard Drive using Virtual Software0.00%
Module 4 L1 Virtual Lab:Check for Understanding Using Credential Manager0.00%
Module 5 L1 Virtual Lab 1:Check for Understanding Setting up a Static/Dynamic IP Address0.00%
Module 5 L1 Virtual Lab 2:Check for Understanding Understanding the different tools used to Find IP addresses and Networking Settings0.00%
Module 6 L2 Virtual Lab 1:Check for Understanding Perform a Complete Backup of the Windows Systems0.00%
Module 6 L2 Virtual Lab 2:Check for Understanding Create a restore point0.00%
Category DescriptionCategory Value
Module Scenarios0%
Assessment Label:Assessment DescriptionAssessment Value
Module 1 L1 Quiz:Check for Understanding Operating Systems0.00%
Category DescriptionCategory Value
Module Discussions0%
Assessment Label:Assessment DescriptionAssessment Value
Module 1 L2 Discussion Question 1:Installing an Operating System0.00%
Module 1 L2 Discussion Question 2:Linux Installation0.00%
Module 2 L2 Discussion: Password Policies Discussion 0.00%
Category DescriptionCategory Value
Module Mastery Assessments100%
Assessment Label:Assessment DescriptionAssessment Value
Module 1 Mastery Assessment Exam:Mastery Assessment Exam Over Module 1 Material10.00%
Module 1 Mastery Assessment Lab:Installation of Fedora 30 on a Virtual Machine. 10.00%
Module 2 Mastery Assessment Exam:Mastery Assessment Exam Over Module 2 Material10.00%
Module 3 Mastery Assessment Lab:Mastery Assessment Lab over File Systems10.00%
Module 4.1 Mastery Assessment Exam:Mastery Assessment Exam 10.00%
Module 4.2 Mastery Assessment Lab:Mastery Assessment Lab - Configuring a Firewall10.00%
Module 5 L1 Mastery Assessment Exam:Mastery Assessment Exam over material covered in Module 510.00%
Module 5 L1 Mastery Assessment Lab:Mastery Assessment Lab over IP Addressing10.00%
Module 6.1 Mastery Assessment Lab:Mastery Assessment Lab over Configuring and Deploying Windows Updates10.00%
Module 6.2 Mastery Assessment Lab:Mastery Assessment Lab over Perform a refresh or restore of the PC10.00%
Total Assessment Percent 100.00%
Total Category Percent100.00%
A = 100-90B = 89-80C = 79-70D = 69-60F = 59-0
Description of Graded Elements of the Course
Assessment LabelAssessment Description/Course outcomes metAssessment Value
in Percent
% of Final Grade
Module 1 L1 QuizCheck for Understanding Operating Systems
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 1Check for Understanding Installing Virtual Box
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 2heck for Understanding Installing Windows 10 Using System Center
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Module 1 L2 Virtual Lab 3Check for Understanding Exploring Fedora 30 Linux
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Module 1 L2 Discussion Question 1Installing an Operating System
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Module 1 L2 Discussion Question 2Linux Installation
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Module 1 L3 Virtual Lab 1Check for Understanding Installing and Configuring Windows Applications
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Module 1 L3 Virtual Lab 2Check for Understanding Exploring Windows and Managing Devices
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Module 1 Mastery Assessment LabInstallation of Fedora 30 on a Virtual Machine.
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Module 1 Mastery Assessment ExamMastery Assessment Exam Over Module 1 Material
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Module 2 L1 Virtual Lab 1Check for Understanding Creating Users and Groups
Course outcomes met: CO9, CO3
Module 2 L1 Virtual Lab 2Check for Understanding Managing Users and Groups Virtual Lab
Course outcomes met: CO3, CO9
Module 2 L2 Discussion Password Policies Discussion
Course outcomes met: CO3
Module 2 L2 Virtual Lab Check for Understanding Setting Password Policies
Course outcomes met: CO5
Module 2 Mastery Assessment ExamMastery Assessment Exam Over Module 2 Material
Course outcomes met: CO3, CO5
Module 3 L1 Virtual Lab 1Check for Understanding Create and Modify Volumes
Course outcomes met: CO6, CO7, CO10
Module 3 L1 Virtual Lab 2Check for Understanding Creating a Virtual Hard Drive using Virtual Software
Course outcomes met: CO10, CO7, CO6
Module 3 Mastery Assessment LabMastery Assessment Lab over File Systems
Course outcomes met: CO6, CO7, CO10
Module 4 L1 Virtual LabCheck for Understanding Using Credential Manager
Course outcomes met: CO4, CO8
Module 4.1 Mastery Assessment ExamMastery Assessment Exam
Course outcomes met: CO8, CO4
Module 4.2 Mastery Assessment LabMastery Assessment Lab - Configuring a Firewall
Course outcomes met: CO4, CO8
Module 5 L1 Virtual Lab 1Check for Understanding Setting up a Static/Dynamic IP Address
Course outcomes met: CO13, CO12, CO11
Module 5 L1 Virtual Lab 2Check for Understanding Understanding the different tools used to Find IP addresses and Networking Settings
Course outcomes met: CO11, CO12, CO13
Module 5 L1 Mastery Assessment ExamMastery Assessment Exam over material covered in Module 5
Course outcomes met: CO13, CO12, CO11
Module 5 L1 Mastery Assessment LabMastery Assessment Lab over IP Addressing
Course outcomes met: CO11, CO12, CO13
Module 6 L2 Virtual Lab 1Check for Understanding Perform a Complete Backup of the Windows Systems
Course outcomes met: CO14, CO15
Module 6 L2 Virtual Lab 2Check for Understanding Create a restore point
Course outcomes met: CO15, CO14
Module 6.1 Mastery Assessment LabMastery Assessment Lab over Configuring and Deploying Windows Updates
Course outcomes met: CO14, CO15
Module 6.2 Mastery Assessment LabMastery Assessment Lab over Perform a refresh or restore of the PC
Course outcomes met: CO15, CO14

Important Dates to Remember


Day of Week


May 8, 2023


First Class Day of Summer 2023 Semester

May 29, 2023


Student and Staff Holiday

June 30, 2023


Mid-Term Grades Due

July 4, 2023


Student and Staff Holiday

July 21, 2023


Last Day to Drop a Class with a “W”

August 18, 2023


Last Class Day of Fall 2022 Semester

ITNW13087P1 23/SU Stevens, Karen (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.