Prologue Update
Our efforts are going 100% towards improving the experience on PC and Xbox. With 2.1 we have fixed 100+ bugs/other improvements based on your feedback (See patch notes). Our focus in the near future (after the 2.1 patch) is towards the following:
- Crashes and disconnects: We are still getting reports on crashes and disconnects. If you are experiencing these issues, please grab a member of the Minion Masters team and help us locate the issue. It would be a huge help to us!
- Issues with DLCs and purchases.
- Re-enabling Chat.
- Gameplay logic, VFX, and SFX issues.
- Improvement to friends list and lobby systems.
- Improvements to bots in terms of difficulty and frequency. We aim to make them more fun to play against but also reduce the frequency at which players face bots.
- Adding more UX and Quality of Life improvements. We added a lot of that in 2.1, and more is coming in 2.2. Keep tuning in to the patch notes for more information.
These are some of the most asked questions we’ve seen on Discord.We ='ll address them here:
- Why isn’t there a Roadmap?
- We want to remain agile in the way we approach stabilizing the PC and Xbox experience. As most of our efforts are going towards improving the quality of the core experience, UI etc. we are focusing less on adding new features to the game until the core of the experience is great. If we make a roadmap of features to come, we could risk disappointing a lot of players if we fail to live up to our promises.
- How can we trust that Xbox will not be going down again?
- We had to take Xbox down for an extended time because we failed to live up to some Xbox requirements. We are now fully compliant with all requirements, and we have no reason to believe that something like this will ever happen again.
- Where’s the mobile version?
- Our focus is primarily on optimizing the Xbox and PC experience. Mobile is still very much in the pipeline, though. We can give an update soon, but not quite yet!
- Draft Faction Rules, are we keeping them?
- With 2.0 we introduced new drafting rules, where each Master has access to different factions. We have heard your feedback on this new rule and decided to revert it for patch 2.2. We think the concept of draft restrictions has merit though, so we might experiment more with this in the future.
<3 From Yesterfox and the rest of the Minion Masters team
Patch 2.1: Crystal Wilds
This Season's Pass includes:
- Two new cards: Resonating Construct and Spire Stag and their Avatar icons
- The new Spire Stag Emote
- The Mordar: Mancer of the Dead NEW legendary skin
- The Legendary skin: “Rave Party Girl Milloween”
- 35 power tokens
- 325 shards
- 7000 golds
- 3 Legendary cards
- 4 Supreme cards
- 5 rare cards
- And much more..!
Patch notes
Spire Stag
Flightless Dragon Whelp Frozen (Buff) Ghast Milloween Netherstep Spelldancer Wolf Among Sheep
Attack Cooldown: 1 > 0.9
Dragon whelps could actually use a buff across the board.
Dragon Whelp
Attack Cooldown: 1 > 0.9
Duration: 3 > 4
Skeleton summoning Range: 6 > 12
Also gains an Arcane Spark when a teammate casts a spell
Trying to address a massive discrepancy between Milloween’s win rate in 1v1 and 2v2.
Damage: 75 > 80
Swarmers gain Rush
Arcane Sparks: 4 > 5
Werewolf gains Rage
Resonating Blast Crystal
Streamlining the functionality with the new Resonating Construct, and simplifying the design overall.
Fergus Flagon Fighter Growthburst Shroom Scrat Pack Spear Throwers Impetus Blast Zeppelin Bomber
No longer has Revelry
Damage buff: 25 > 20%
Health buff: 25 > 20%
Now that it’s more easily accessible, it’s become obvious that the double whammy buff is just too strong.
Lost Legionnaires
Copies: 3 > 2
Count: 5 > 4
Attack cooldown: 1.5 > 1.7
Also affects them when they have Tantrums.
Damage: 25 > 15
Damage: 70 > 60
Removed support for several languages.